Leadership coaching and consulting that creates deep, long-lasting behaviour change

Leadership Coaching


How does leadership coaching work?

Leadership coaching raises self-awareness and creates change through intentional choices by:

  • Understanding yourself

  • Creating change in the future of your work or career

  • Changing habits and destructive patterns of behaviour

  • Being better today than you were yesterday.


Most effective in our coaching…

“Knowing that if I take time to reflect, deep down I already have the answers and keys to progress” - ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR

What are the typical outcomes?

A huge benefit of leadership coaching is having dedicated time to think more clearly. Typical outcomes from coaching include:

  • Awareness of self and priorities

  • Clarity on challenges and the way forward

  • Feeling of empowerment to independently tackle current and future challenges

  • Moving from contemplating change to planning actions to make change happen.

Why do leaders choose to coach with me?

Powerful Questions

I ask provocative questions and am respectfully tenacious to get right to the heart of an issue that is not necessarily apparent on the surface

Psychological techniques

I use rigorous psychological techniques in helping clients to see themselves, their priorities and their thinking patterns more clearly

Straightforward conversation

I aim to promote straightforward conversation where we work together in support of the client’s agenda

My coaching Approach

When I partner with coaching clients, I am most effective in providing space for thinking time. Clients appreciate that I take the time to discover what is really important to them and uncover the real issue that is not necessarily apparent on the surface. Core to my approach is helping clients to see themselves, their priorities and their thinking patterns more clearly to explore the impact of this at work. I aim to promote straightforward conversation where we work together in support of their agenda.

Clients describe my style as being: supportive, challenging, insightful, thought-provoking, purpose-driven, practical, straightforward, tenacious and respectfully incisive.


“Friendly but firm, Nicola’s coaching style is well suited to those wishing to find their own clarity on issues” - CFO

Coaching for Clarity Programme

My coaching for clarity programme provides leaders and senior managers the space to see themselves more clearly and uncover their priorities to establish changes that they need to make for themselves, their teams and the business through one-to-coaching.

Typically, I create a proposal around individual coaching needs which is on average six sessions across five to six months. I work with aspiring leaders and senior managers across a range of sectors to support them in their journey to establishing their own solutions to challenges in their work.

Month 1:

Pre-coaching questionnaire

Kick-off meeting with coachee and line manager

1st 1.5 hour coaching session

Month 2:

2nd 1 hour coaching session

Month 3:

3rd 1 hour coaching session

Mid-point review meeting with coachee and line manager


Month 4:

4th 1 hour coaching session

Month 5:

5th 1 hour coaching session

Month 6:

6th 1.5 hour coaching session

Post-coaching questionnaire

End of coaching review meeting with coachee and line manager


Team Coaching Programme

Tackling Tomorrow’s Tensions Together to Optimise Well-being and Performance

Are you an organisation that is ready to work through complexity with compassion, courage and curiosity? We have more information about peak performance and well-being at our fingertips than ever before. Yet individuals continue to struggle with managing their stress, overwhelm and anxiety, alongside a continued pressure for consistent team performance. Impactful team development initiatives are needed to help teams work both productively and healthily.

There is a growing body of research showing the impact of team coaching for healthy team performance. Team coaching puts your people at the heart of the change process. By helping your teams to recognise and discuss the complexity they are facing, we work towards co-creating sustainable strategies that will help them to develop ownership in navigating future challenges and uncertainty together.

Why tackle well-being and performance together?

Psychological well-being and performance cannot exist without one another, but at the same time are in constant conflict, hence the need to tackle both areas consistently to develop optimised teams that are working productively and healthily. Individuals who feel at their best are more likely to perform at their best, yet inevitably there will be high pressure situations which require them to go the extra mile. Teams need to adapt quickly to changes, problem-solve and work through ongoing complexity, while continuing to provide mutual support and accountability. It's a complex challenge, and understanding how the tension between well-being and performance plays out in your unique environment is key in creating solutions that create meaningful, long-term change.

Team Coaching Programme Overview

Our 6-month coaching solution includes 5 key steps to ensure depth of discussion, ownership and sustainment of development:


Diagnostics and kick-off

MONTH 2, 3 & 4

Monthly half-day team coaching sessions


Application and evaluation

Between sessions we provide reflection notes for in-role experimentation and learning. While each team is unique, we provide a range of learning opportunities including team check-ins, peer coaching, action learning sets and reflection.

Our 6 month team coaching intervention will support your teams to work towards creating a culture which enables high quality and courageous conversations by:

  • Strengthening interrelationships and cultivating trust

  • Focusing the alignment of team goals

  • Accelerating ‘healthy’ productivity and team performance

  • Increasing individual and team accountability

  • Sharing learning and best practice

  • Supporting teams to develop self and systemic awareness.

 Let’s talk
